Want to save more on your annual energy costs? Use these tips to help save energy and money on your utility bills:
- Invest in a furnace thermostat timer that will lower your heat when you are not home. Turning your furnace down by 10 to 15 percent for eight hours a day can reduce your annual heating bill by as much as 10 percent each year.
- Change your furnace filter monthly – Inspect and tune-up your residential heating systems regularly. A heating system that is running well is more efficient.
- If you currently do not have a propane water heater, you should consider converting. Over time, propane water heaters can cost up to 1/3 less to operate and recover hot water twice as fast as electric heaters.
- To extend the life of your water heater and increase its energy efficiency, drain and clean it every 6 months.
- You may also save more on your hot-water bill by turning down your water heater from the standard 120 degrees to 115 degrees. Every 10-degree reduction in water temperature results in about an 8 percent savings in energy use.
- Protect against drafts by caulking and weather stripping around windows, doors, and any other openings.
- Install flow restricting showerheads. You can reduce your water usage by up to 50 percent without affecting the shower pressure.
- Repair leaky faucets. A leak that fills a coffee cup in 10 minutes wastes 3,200 gallons of water a year.
- If you are thinking about buying a fireplace, consider one that is fueled by propane. Propane fireplaces are known to spread heat more evenly and burn more efficiently than wood burning fireplaces.