Just about everything that runs on electricity can also run on propane but a propane-fueled home is cheaper to operate than an electric one! National fuel prices from the U.S. Department of Energy show that the cost of electricity is more than twice the cost of propane. The costs of electricity and propane can be compared using the BTU (British Thermal Unit), which measures the heating value of each fuel.
If you want to save on heating costs, there’s just no comparison. Propane wins over electric – every time!

It’s cheaper than electricity
- According to the U.S. Department of Energy, heating a home with propane has cost far less than heating with electricity.
- Over time, propane water heaters can cost one-third less to operate and recover water twice as quickly as electric water heaters – saving you money!
It’s warmer than electricity
- A propane gas furnace heats air to about 130°F to 140°F and operates in short intervals to minimize operating costs.
- An electric heat pump produces heat below body temperature (98.6°F), so the air feels cool when placing your hand in front of a vent.
Furnaces fueled by propane last longer than electrical heat pumps
- On average they last 5 to 10 years longer.
It’s more dependable than electricity
- Electricity is subject to power outages. Propane is stored safely in a tank on your property.
- Reliable propane works when and where other energy sources don’t – which makes it quite versatile.
It’s clean
- Long recognized as the “green” energy, by using propane homeowners can help cut emissions and protect the environment.
It’s safe
- Due to stringent codes and regulations developed by the propane industry and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), propane has a strong safety record. It has built-in safety properties: It won’t ignite when combined with air unless the source of ignition reaches 940°F.
- It’s non-toxic and produces minimal emissions and is not harmful to soil or water.
Propane is customer-friendly
- You get 24/7 customer service and support from your local propane provider like Patriot Propane, not from the big power companies.
- What you see is what you get, propane is measured in familiar “gallons.” Electricity which is measured in hard-to-understand “kilowatt hours.”
Even broken down by appliance, propane also reveals great savings and benefits over those powered by electricity:

Propane furnaces
- Consistently supply air at 120°F. Electric heat pumps dispense 95°F air, which is less than body temperature (98.6°F), so the air feels cool, not warm.
- Last an average of 20 years, while electric heat pumps last an average of 12 years.
- Have lower repair costs than electric heat pumps.
Propane gas water heaters
- Cost approximately $10 less per month to operate than comparable electric units.
- On average are 42% less expensive than electric heaters. Over an average life span, they can save homeowners nearly $2,000 more than an electric unit.
- Heat more than twice as much water in an hour as comparable electric models.
Propane gas-burning fireplaces
- Cost between 30% and 60% less per hour of operation than wood-burning fireplaces.
- Emit 40 times fewer emissions than wood-burning units and cost less to operate.
- They can be turned off easily with a switch, eliminating concern about remaining embers.
Propane gas-burning cooktops and ovens
- Offer instant heat and absolute temperature control — 97% of professional chefs prefer cooking with gas.
Propane gas clothes dryers
- Can complete drying tasks in approximately three-quarters of the time it takes an electric unit.
- Some models save up to 65% in costs over electric dryers.
It’s a fact! The smartest thing you can do to save on your electric bills is to switch to propane.