Spread winter heating costs monthly through the year.
Enroll in our SmartPay budget monthly payment plan today!
Avoid unexpected large heating fuel payments during the winter months by paying for them monthly throughout the year with our SmartPay monthly payment plan!
Here’s why it’s smart to pay your bills with SmartPay:
- Enrolling in the plan is FREE—there are no sign-up fees and you can enroll at any time.
- It makes it easier to manage your energy costs knowing just how much you’re paying for heating fuel each month.
- You won’t have to worry about late fees or due dates again.
How SmartPay works:
- After a quick analysis of your annual energy costs, SmartPay determines a fixed monthly payment for your heating oil bills.*
- You pay the same amount for your heating fuel monthly throughout the year.
- Have an overpayment at the end of the year? We will credit your account.
- You can even arrange to have monthly payments automatically deducted from your checking account or credit card—saving you time and money on postage!

It’s time to be smarter about paying your heating bills.
Contact us to enroll in SmartPay today!
*Settlement of accounts occurs annually and payments may be adjusted (up or down) based on your balance.